The video explores different narratives created around the homophobic crime wave that swept the city of São Paulo in the late 1980s. This piece looks at the opinions, versions and impressions of individuals involved in the struggle against prejudice and intolerance, as well as of anonymous and regular people, about the 1987 murder of theater director Luís Antônio Martinez Correa (the brother of director José Celso Martinez Correa, who called all art professionals into action at the time), providing perspective on a brutal, sectarian dissent. The speeches reveal a strong presence of hatred and violence against minorities in the Brazilian collective imagination, and a society characterized by patriarchalism, clientelism, Catholicism, and sexism. Insertions of mass culture images denounce how these are primarily endorsed by hegemonic media vehicles and the cultural industry. However, far from the graveness shared by militants, the video transmutes the clichés of discriminatory discourse into positive emblems. This piece is an example of what was then called video-documentary, a genre that emerged in the 1980s and dealt with social phenomena, considering their entire interpretative spectrum, denying the idea of video image as a neutral register, and often using hyperbolic scripts combined with abrupt, violent editing of the conversations portrayed.
- 6th Festival | Competitive ShowVHS - Grand Prize and Popular Jury